Wednesday, March 9, 2011

note from costa rica

brimming brimming brimming with emotion. sitting on porch with no walls. houses don't need walls. just roofs and floors and netting to shield from rain. the ocean is crashing down below and a gentle breeze caresses me... for three weeks now have been woken each morning at 430 by the strange loud roar of the howler monkeys. or monos congos. and just now having the great privilege of watching the troupe making their trek across the treetops. they are completely silent except for the occasional chitter of a baby who finds a leap too hard. . they eat leaves. move in groups. are completely passive.. the loud strange roar a bluster and bravado show of defense made by the males first thing in the morning and last thing at night and rarely in between unless they are alarmed. after watching them day after day their personalities begin to emerge. some are more timid about which branch to go to next and some without hesitation leap, like flying trapeze performers, with great panache onto a tiny branch and hold on as it swings and sways under their weight. the babies' leap and then scamper chattering loudly after their mothers. some cling hard to their mother's backs and ride this way across the tree tops. every time i am reminded of the story of zephyr from the Babar stories.

this place. this costa rica really exists still... macaws caw like absurdly colored crows. they mate for life so are most often in pairs as they fly to the almond trees that line the beach. bright green parakeets dart out of the forest. an anteater stood in the road watching me make photos. a puma was seen crossing this same road the day after. and a few weeks ago a man opened his kitchen door to a jaguar hanging out . monkeys and snakes and anteaters and pelicans and big cats and gekkos and great blue butterflies. whales, dolphins and flying fish. so many species of trees in the forest they can't all be named. water springs from the ground clean enough to drink unfiltered. fruit and vegetables , too many to name, grow in abundance... i think we had a place named eden that we felt we were expelled from and yet, really, here it is...

i stood at the foot of a great matapalo tree. my hands on it's trunk, eyes closed. the energy of our earth surged so strongly up my feet and into my heart and out my head i gasped. this is life. this staggering beauty. this is life and we belong to it. how have we forgotten that? i am overcome with the staggering privilege of being here.

mucho mucho mucho gracias for this time in costa rica..

pura vida. this is what they say here. pure life. that is the spirit here. life is a privilege and it is beautiful. live it and be tranquillo. pura vida and tranquillo.

yes. tranquillo... for the very first time, it seems, since i was a child i am truly tranquillo. it is easy to be so.
may this spread out to all beings...
te amo