Monday, December 15, 2008

dreams of flying

last night i dreamt of travel.  of flying.  of wandering here and there.   it's winter on the farm.  while i was away there was a stupendous ice storm.  have not gotten up to the places where the ice lingers because the light has been so murky.   my wings are waiting.  so in the meantime i am going to try and learn the winter.  learn to live gracefully with the gray.  so far have not figured out how to do that.   so far my learning leads me to flying.  and  that will have to do for now.   


Lindsey Jane Photography said...

love it. you will learn it. it's a mysterious thing indeed. i'm reading sacajawea right now and it's FASCINATING. how they survived the cold winters is beyond me. and it was surviving so much more than just cold winters. i highly suggest the book. it's brilliant.

Unknown said...

Snow and Winter abound in the high desert of Santa Fe. Its grey at the moment, but you know how it is out here...any second the sun will power its way through the clouds. I will send you some sunshine to go with your ice and snow!
I have been thinking of people that I love of late and your face along with Lee's and Emily's and many others float lazily through my mind. Sending my best holiday wishes to you and your family.
Much love and light and sunshine