My friend Tammi set off for Nigeria to help make films that bring light to the world and now it seems she and the crew have been arrested on charges of espionage. There is only one certainty to this story. Neither Tammi, nor the people she is traveling with are spies. It seems after that there is nothing certain. No one is quite sure where they are or how long they will be held. Everyone is concentrating on positive thoughts.
Her husband, Chris, said this in an email
" Please say a prayer for Tammi, not only for her safety, and the safety of their group, but also that she may STAY CONNECTED TO HER BIG STORY... she knows she is more than her ego body and she is committed to acting from that higher knowingness. My prayer is that she stay deeply connected to that knowingness. From there, she is always safe."
And so Tammi, I am holding that thought for you. That you can stay connected to your truest essence and that will hold you through this ordeal.
It is not a revelation nor a particularly original understanding that shining light into the shadows can be a dangerous endeavor but it is very sobering when the lives of our friends are endangered simply because they have the courage to take action.
So many of our lives here in America are sheltered from any understanding of how our lifestyle impacts the rest of the world and contributes to terrible suffering.
I am filled with admiration for Tammi and the rest of the crew for not making the easy choices. For choosing to leave the cosseted generic environment that so much of America can be and to strike out to help change this.
Tammi, I am thinking constantly of your safe return! I am holding you in my thoughts and imagining you emerging from the shadows back into the light.