i don't have many words just yet. something happened up there in the andes and i'm not really sure what it was. i know that the Apus are real. (Apus - light being that exists within special mountains. these spirits live in both the middle and upper worlds and can intercede for humanity. they are also referred to as Apukunas- Jorge Louis Delgado, Andean Awakening)
i know that my perception has utterly shifted. the Apus are great masters and great teachers. and so is our mother, the earth, the Mamapacha and her cosmic counterpart Pachamama.
i know that the little boy i quoted back in feb in my blog post from hawaii talking about everything being a great and tremendous mystery was more correct than i can even begin to imagine. and after this i know nothing... except i feel that
i love Peru. i love Peru. my heart felt completely at home. i could fly. i could hear the earth sing. now the task is to bring this home. to feel everything living everywhere. to choose light over dark by understanding the dark and walking firmly into the light... living from the center that is only light... instead of dancing on the periphery of life as Jorge says.
in the meantime here are the photos. the color image is from the beach in lima taken with the surfing angels.
te amo te amo peru.
muchos gracias!!!
sounds amazing iva! hope you are adjusting well to be back to NY. miss you and think of you often.
i love that u love Peru, i'm going to cusco in about 2 months from now, i'm so excited in going back there for a second time.
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